At Cucumelo Films we believe in corporate social responsibility.

We are committed to manage our business responsibly and support initiatives that can grow thanks to our work.

We seek with our work to improve the quality of life of people or to educate the population on issues related to the conservation of our environment.

The following are the social organizations with which we actively cooperate:

Works for the conservation of the flora and fauna of Costa Rica. It is one of the oldest NGOs. As part of our commitment to the environment and wildlife in Cucumelo Films we support APREFLOFAS so that together we can preserve the beauties of our beautiful country.



responsabilidad social empresarial

With 10 years of collaborating in the integral process of recovery of hospitalized children, HOSPISONRISAS DE COSTA RICA was born with the intention of improving the state of mind of the little patients with artistic therapies parallel to conventional medicine, free of charge. In Cucumelo Films we give them a hand in this honorable work.